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Over 34,000 memories created since 2021. We look forward to serving you!

Why us and why cookies?

best cookies to send as a gift

Personalized gift message with your logo

Your order includes a custom gift message, complemented by your own logo.

There is nothing more frustrating than your recipient not knowing who sent them a gift.

That's why we go the extra mile to create a custom gift message card at no extra charge.

Plus, we ship nationwide!

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Cookies are the perfect gift for every occasion

With our built in cookie gifting platform, you can send cookies to anyone in the USA via email or text.

Make your gift memorable... and delicious!

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What people are saying about GCC

Portland cookie delivery

cookies near me

Enjoy fast, delicious cookie delivery across the southwest Portland metro area. Order online for fresh, gourmet cookies delivered right to your door or for pickup from our shop in Tigard. Cookies are perfect for any occasion!

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Companies who trust us

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Our client testimonials

"If you want happy clients, send them cookies from Grove Cookie Company."

Matt Anderson, CWS® - Partner

Anderson Wealth Management - Raymond James

“The only negative review we have gotten is from our weight scales!”

James Mayer, CRPS® C(k)P® - Managing Director

Huffman | Mayer - Wells Fargo Advisors

"All of my clients rave about the cookies! I finance in all 50 states, so we always use GCC to send cookies for closings. They're the best! Keep rocking!"

Kayla Kallander - AVP | Loan Officer

First International Bank & Trust